
Vorheriges Rezept (2625) Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis Nächstes Rezept (2627)


( 1 Rezept )


  • England


   Use a 7 inch (18 Cm) square tin
60Gramm (50 g) butter
1/4Ltr. (1/4 litre) milk


Put the sugar, butter and milk in to a saucepan. Heat the mixture and stir gently so that the sugar dissolves. Go on heating the mixture until it boils. Stir occasionally and boil until the temperature is 115 degrees Celsius. The mixture will need to boil for 10-12 minutes, or you can use a cooking thermometer. Take the saucepan away from the heat. Beat the mixture until it is thick. Pour it in to a tin and wait until it is cool. Cut the fudge in to squares.


 Alexandra Rietzler in Küchentipps
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